So Much for Forgive and Forget

I tried and I think I should just embrace my hate for her 😛 For someone who can have the nerve to tell me she doesn’t have any ADOBE or MICROSOFT software in her pc, I have a damn good mind to just storm in and kick the computer out of the house. 3 damn years you’ve been using that excuse and you make no such effort to get the software and have it installed. You dare tell me I’m no better than you but I ain’t the one giving such poor weak excuses and just stare at me as though that’s a damn good excuse for you to ditch that part of your workload. I hope one day your laziness will just rub back at you >_>

My soba craze is half fulfilled. Now i just gotta kick myself to COOK it.

FREE FREE FREE! Went to do some product research with Sylvene and this really got my eye cuz it I’ve never seen the ‘free’ word this big on any product XD;;

Now back to my emotionally stressful life with so much dorama *snorts*.

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